2 thoughts on “The Number of Human Intellects

  1. Father Mark, I hope you are doing alright and persevering. The Mission of Divine Mercy outside New Braunfels, TX (San Antonio Diocese) is similarly being oppressed by their Bishop. A Priest from said Mission recently posted a well written discussion of “Obedience” and which suggests when one may be obliged to disobey some to obey Our Lord. You can find said discussion at the website http://www.missionofdivinemercy.org by scrolling down on their home page and clicking on “Obedience.”

    I hope you are making ends meet, I bet you are not above taking jobs (part of full time) for which you might be over qualified and under paid. I am a semi retired oil & gas executive who recently moved to the Mississippi Coast w/ my wife. After we moved down here I took a couple part time jobs to stay busy, one at a golf course and the other at a liquor store. Though I was being paid “chump change” I am glad I had those jobs. It was good for me to work and make a little money, my bosses appreciated my efforts and I enjoyed interacting with co-workers and customers.

    Hang in there Father!

  2. Hey Father Mark. I cannot find any updated information from you. It’s now May 2024. I guess April 2024 is the most up to date. I do not know if Knestout succeeded in removing you from the priesthood. If he did – Barry will have to face Jesus about it. I just pray he is feeling turmoil in his faith so God can reach him and help him heal and become a child of God again. As all the others of the hierarchy who have abandoned their obedience to God only to suit themselves in their lies and thirst for power, at any cost. Father Mark, you may have been ordained by predator McCarrick but the ultimate power of your ordination was from God. I do not believe God would have had his anointing go through him and his filth of sin to you and your brother priests. I’ve been following you for many years now. And read your blog. You are in my prayers. There are hundreds of thousands more who are still now being abused sexually and physically by the clerical in the Catholic Church. Still and now. It’s not over and I feel fury if anyone says it’s over and the cover ups are over. God bless you for having an open heart to God’s strength and wisdom through the Holy Spirit to keep you going. This is not over with Knestout and his attempts to silence you. To me he is more of a robot of the hierarchy. You’ve done well and will continue to be blessed by God. Please be encouraged. Your courage in writing and speaking the truth has not gone unheard. May our Poppa, our Abba, bless you and anoint you with Love and Peace. 

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